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Deprecated: Function _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use Elementor\Controls_Stack::register_controls() instead. in /export/home/www/pfacmeeting2021/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5381
Why Become a Sponsor?
- PFAC enjoys membership growth and currently has over 800 active members.
- PFAC members manage over 20 billion dollars in assets.
- PFAC members are responsible for 4900+ estates as Conservators of the Estate.
- PFAC members currently appointed for 4500+ individuals as Conservators of the Person.
- PFAC members manage 4200+ trusts including Special Needs Trusts.
- PFAC members manage 3000+ real properties.
- PFAC is an authorized educational provider by the Professional Fiduciaries Bureau for continuing education license requirements.
* Must be reserved for a nominal fee
Attendee Demographics
The annual PFAC Educational Conference is attended by 700-800 people each year. This audience is approximately 80% professional fiduciaries with the remaining attendees being those from fiduciary related businesses. Depending on the location of the conference, attendees are approximately 60/40 split between southern and northern California with a small number of out-of-state attendees.